Thursday, November 6, 2008

I thought...

that your brain cells were supposed to "regenerate" after you had a baby. I am obviously still waiting for that to happen. Case in point - About a week or so after i had Blair, a friend and I went to Target to go shopping. The lady who was checking us out asked me what the name of my baby was and how old. I totally spaced and for the life of me i could not remember her name. Thank God for Lin who was kind enough to tell the lady Blair's name. Another example - I ordered announcements for Blair's arrival. I thought we bought enough. Not the case at all. I went online and ordered another set of 24 pictures thinking that was going to be enough. WRONG!!! I had to go back online again and order ANOTHER set of 24. I hope for the sake of everyone out there that i get my brain cells back before something terrible happens like I forget my own name.


Unknown said...

Silly girl. No way. we're screwed. These brains are seriously damaged!! ;o) Still lovable though. At some point our condition will become enduring.

The Roehls said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!!! :) been there!

Nina Crittenden said...

WHen in doubt, list of the name of everyone you know like Grandma Nancie used to do. haha

sunflower said...

brain cells are over-rated...