Saturday, January 31, 2009

Just an update on the family

As you all have probably heard, Nick broke his left tibia in a snowmobile race and has been in a hard cast for the last 2 weeks. he has 9 more days in this cast and then he gets another one with hinges on the knee so he can bend it. he will be able to put about 10-20 pounds on his leg but he will not be able to fully put weight on it till approximately mid March.

Megan is 16 months now and obsessed with Elmo. That is all she thinks about and all she talks about. I took her to Elmo's Green Thumb with Erin and her two girls and Megan made it through the first part and intermission and then she started to get antsy and crabby so we left. She is starting to walk more and having a blast doing it. she likes to walk down the hallway screaming so she can hear her voice echo.

Blair is 4 months now and starting to explore more. she loves her swing and playing on the floor. her nightly schedule is getting better and more on the same schedule as Megan's which is nice for both of us. B (as we like to call her) is 13.5 lbs and growing like a weed. she is already in 6 month clothes!!

As for me, I am thankful to still have a job as Target announced layoffs this week.