Sunday, April 26, 2009

Things have been kind of crazy around the Roehl household lately. the girls are getting so big. i can't believe that Blair is almost 7 months old already. the time sure has flown by. i used to be so scared of taking the kids to the store or out on errands by myself. now i actually look forward to taking them out with me.

Nick is getting better. he is walking without crutches and has actually been doing so for about a month now. we are trying to figure out a schedule for taking the girls to daycare and picking them up. i am happy to say that nick had the girls to daycare before 8am this past Friday!! That is what i call progress.

Megan is non stop action all the time. she is talking up a storm even if we don't know what she is saying half the time. she and Scooter are playing their own game of fetch right now. lots of screaming and running is involved. we have transistioned Megan out of the highchair to a booster seat now. she really likes it.

Blair is dang near as big as Megan is now. there is about a 5lb difference and 6 inches between the two of them. it won't be too much longer till she is crawling. she is starting to like eating cereal but it is a process. she has this new trick where she blows raspberries and gets us all laughing which only makes her do it more.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Just a little update

I don't really have much to report but i will in a couple of weeks when the girls go for their 6 and 18 month well visits.

i am hoping that Megan will finally be 20lbs and we can turn her carseat around soon. her little legs are getting long and she is going to start running into problems on where to put her feet. She is walking up a storm and getting tons of teeth. we have had many interruptions during the night because of those teeth!

Blair is growing like a weed. about a month ago, she started having issues eating and was arching her back during her feedings. after this went on for about 2 weeks with no resolution, i finally made an appointment to take her to the doctor. we came to the conclusion that she was probably having some reflux issues and promptly put her on medication. she seems to be responding well to it and she is now eating up a storm.

Nick is still on crutches. we thought he was going to be able to start walking on his leg this month but the doctor told him to come back in 5 weeks and then they will re-evaluate. he has been quite the sport about things and even though he can't do a ton, he has been feeding Blair at night so i can get a decent night's sleep.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Just an update on the family

As you all have probably heard, Nick broke his left tibia in a snowmobile race and has been in a hard cast for the last 2 weeks. he has 9 more days in this cast and then he gets another one with hinges on the knee so he can bend it. he will be able to put about 10-20 pounds on his leg but he will not be able to fully put weight on it till approximately mid March.

Megan is 16 months now and obsessed with Elmo. That is all she thinks about and all she talks about. I took her to Elmo's Green Thumb with Erin and her two girls and Megan made it through the first part and intermission and then she started to get antsy and crabby so we left. She is starting to walk more and having a blast doing it. she likes to walk down the hallway screaming so she can hear her voice echo.

Blair is 4 months now and starting to explore more. she loves her swing and playing on the floor. her nightly schedule is getting better and more on the same schedule as Megan's which is nice for both of us. B (as we like to call her) is 13.5 lbs and growing like a weed. she is already in 6 month clothes!!

As for me, I am thankful to still have a job as Target announced layoffs this week.