i am hoping that Megan will finally be 20lbs and we can turn her carseat around soon. her little legs are getting long and she is going to start running into problems on where to put her feet. She is walking up a storm and getting tons of teeth. we have had many interruptions during the night because of those teeth!
Blair is growing like a weed. about a month ago, she started having issues eating and was arching her back during her feedings. after this went on for about 2 weeks with no resolution, i finally made an appointment to take her to the doctor. we came to the conclusion that she was probably having some reflux issues and promptly put her on medication. she seems to be responding well to it and she is now eating up a storm.
Nick is still on crutches. we thought he was going to be able to start walking on his leg this month but the doctor told him to come back in 5 weeks and then they will re-evaluate. he has been quite the sport about things and even though he can't do a ton, he has been feeding Blair at night so i can get a decent night's sleep.